Organic farmers, markets, restaurants and more...


2015年8月9日(日) アースデイマーケット@代々木公園ケヤキ並木
2015年9月20日(日) 安穏朝市@築地本願寺

八百屋 瑞花 Suika

場所: 日本, 東京都新宿区市谷山伏町1−5


After reaching Kagurazaka, you may want to walk a bit further and visit this small vegetable shop. The area of production and cultivation method are specified for each vegetable, and the staff will courteously explain to you about the flavor as well as the best way to eat each one. A large portion of the items sold are either organically-grown or naturally-grown, and this is the result of the store seeking the most delicious vegetables.